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Haymans – London Dry Gin 70cl Bottle


Hayman i London Dry Gin er kulminationen på Christopher Hayman s 40 års engagement i destillation af Gin. En præmie klassiske stil London Dry Gin skabt af Hayman Distille

Gin, kan købes hos TheDrinkShop

Varenummer (SKU): 100398607 Kategori:


Hayman i London Dry Gin er kulminationen på Christopher Hayman s 40 års engagement i destillation af Gin. En præmie klassiske stil London Dry Gin skabt af Hayman Distillers, som er den ældste Gin destillation familie i Storbritannien. Christopher Hayman arvet hans passion for Gin destillering fra hans Great bedstefar James Burrough der skabte Beefeater Gin i 1800-tallet. Christopher kontrollerede destillation af Beefeater Gin i 20 år. Han er en af ??de mest erfarne ‘Gin Masters’ i handelen har været involveret i de opskrifter og destillationer af mange Gins gennem årene. Hayman i London Dry Gin afspejle Christopher tro på, at den traditionelle stil af Gin er stadig den fineste eksempel på London Dry Gin, som er designet til at blive brugt med traditionelle og moderne Gin drikkevarer. Naturlige planteekstrakter er håndplukket fra hele verden og tilføjet til ren kornspiritus at skabe en unik, fuld aromatiseret Gin. Ti planteekstrakter er afgørende at skabe den friske sprøde elegante smag af Hayman i London Dry Gin. Christopher mener, at det er den omhyggelige og stabil balance af Juniper, koriander, appelsin og citron skræl, der er afgørende for skabelsen af ??en klassisk stil af London Dry Gin. Christopher mener bør oprettes Premium Gin i en traditionel Pot Still snarere end den mere almindeligt anvendte Column stadig anvendes af store mærker. Dette tillader varianter af de nøje udvalgte botaniske at udvikle deres fulde potentiale. The Pot Still sikrer, at Master Distiller personligt kan håndværk en unik aromatiseret præmie Gin med stor omhu og opmærksomhed. Den lagt i blød i planteekstrakter er en vigtig proces, og de botaniske er gennemsyret i stadig i 24 timer, hvilket er nøglen til at skabe en perfekt afbalanceret Gin. Den blanding af planteekstrakter er placeret i bunden af ??Pot Still og venstre for at stejle på det rene triple destilleret kornspiritus, som er den første del af infusion. Efter støbning, Gin gennemgår en destillation proces. Under destillationsprocessen, de stills opvarmes ved en blid temperatur som hver botaniske frigiver sin smag på et andet trin i processen. Resultatet er en præmie London Dry Gin af konsekvent exceptionel kvalitet.

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Haymans – London Dry Gin 70cl Bottle er en Gin der bl.a. sælges hos TheDrinkShop

Producentens noter (på engelsk)

Hayman’s London Dry Gin is the culmination of Christopher Hayman’s 40 years involvement in the distillation of Gin. A premium classic style of London Dry Gin created by Hayman Distillers who are the oldest Gin distilling family in the UK. Christopher Hayman inherited his passion for Gin distilling from his Great Grandfather James Burrough who created Beefeater Gin in the 1800s. Christopher controlled the distillation of Beefeater Gin for 20 years. He is one of the most experienced ‘Gin Masters’ in the trade having been involved in the recipes and distillations of many Gins over the years. Hayman’s London Dry Gin reflect Christopher’s belief that the traditional style of Gin is still the finest example of London Dry Gin which is designed to be used with the traditional and contemporary Gin drinks. Natural botanicals are hand picked from all over the world and added to pure grain spirit to create a unique, full flavoured Gin. Ten botanicals are essential in creating the fresh crisp elegant flavour of Hayman’s London Dry Gin. Christopher believes it is the careful and consistent balance of Juniper, Coriander, Orange and Lemon peel which is vital in crafting a classic style of London Dry Gin. Christopher believes Premium Gin should be created in a traditional Pot Still rather than the more commonly used Column still used by major brands. This allows the flavours of the carefully selected botanicals to develop to their full potential. The Pot Still ensures that the Master Distiller can personally handcraft a uniquely flavoured premium Gin with great care and attention. The steeping of the botanicals is an important process and the botanicals are steeped in the still for 24 hours which is key in creating a perfectly balanced Gin. The mix of botanicals is placed at the base of the Pot Still and left to steep on the pure triple distilled grain spirit which is the first part of the infusion process. After steeping, the Gin undergoes a distillation process. During the distillation process, the stills are heated at a gentle temperature as each botanical releases its flavour at a different stage of the process. The result is a premium London Dry Gin of consistently exceptional quality.

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