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Coco Lopez 15oz Can


En Delia Smith ‘Cheat’ ingrediens. Pina Colada opskrift bruger Coco lopez. 2 skud Coco Lopez Fast Cream af Coconut, 2 skud Pineapple Juice 1,5 skud Rum 1 kop is Mix i ble

Cocktail Mixer, kan købes hos TheDrinkShop

Varenummer (SKU): 100398023 Kategori:


En Delia Smith ‘Cheat’ ingrediens. Pina Colada opskrift bruger Coco lopez. 2 skud Coco Lopez Fast Cream af Coconut, 2 skud Pineapple Juice 1,5 skud Rum 1 kop is Mix i blender, indtil glat. Hjertet af kokos havde længe været en vigtig ingrediens i mange lækre desserter fra tropiske øer. Problemet var, at få kokos fløde fra papirmasse var lettere sagt end gjort. Don Ramon Lopez Irizarry ud for at finde en nemmere måde at gøre dette. I sin lille laboratorium i Puerto Rico, han udviklede den oprindelige Coco Lopez ved at blande den lækre creme fra hjerter caribiske kokosnødder med den nøjagtige andel af naturligt rørsukker. Pludselig Coco Lopez blev grundlaget for en fabelagtig tropisk drink kaldet Pina Colada, som gjorde sin første optræden i 1954. Ganske få bartendere og deltidsansatte mixere hævder at være opfinderne af det officielle Beverage i Puerto Rico. Uanset hvad, er der ingen tvivl om, at den unikke kombination af Coco Lopez Cream of Coconut, ananas juice og puertoricanske Rum er den mest forfriskende tropisk cocktail du nogensinde. Faktisk er det kun den originale Coco Lopez Cream af Coconut opfylder de nødvendige betingelser for smag og konsistens til at forberede den perfekte Pina Colada! Turister, der kom til Puerto Rico og smagt Coco Lopez Pina Colada elskede det så meget de tog Coco Lopez hjem, så de kunne fortsætte med at nyde smagen af ??troperne. I dag har Coco Lopez udvidet sin fordeling i 50 lande, herunder Europa, Japan, Mellemamerika og USA.

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Coco Lopez 15oz Can er en Cocktail Mixer der bl.a. sælges hos TheDrinkShop

Producentens noter (på engelsk)

A Delia Smith ‘Cheat’ Ingredient. Pina Colada recipe using Coco lopez. 2 shots Coco Lopez Real Cream of Coconut, 2 shots Pineapple Juice 1.5 shots Rum 1 cup ice Mix in blender until smooth. The heart of the coconut had long been an important ingredient in many delicious desserts from the tropical islands. The problem was that getting the coconut cream from the pulp was easier said than done. Don Ramon Lopez Irizarry set out to find an easier way of doing this. In his small laboratory in Puerto Rico, he developed the original Coco Lopez by blending the delicious cream from the hearts of Caribbean coconuts with the exact proportion of natural cane sugar. Suddenly Coco Lopez became the basis for a fabulous tropical drink called Pina Colada which made its first appearance in 1954. Quite a few bartenders and part-time mixers claim to be the inventors of the Official Beverage of Puerto Rico. Either way, there’s no doubt that the unique combination of Coco Lopez Cream of Coconut, pineapple juice and Puerto Rican Rum is the most refreshing tropical cocktail you’ll ever have. In fact, only the original Coco Lopez Cream of Coconut meets the necessary conditions of flavour and consistency to prepare the perfect Pina Colada! Tourists that came to Puerto Rico and tasted the Coco Lopez Pina Colada loved it so much they took Coco Lopez home so they could continue to enjoy The Taste of the Tropics. Today, Coco Lopez has expanded its distribution into 50 countries including Europe, Japan, Central America and the United States.

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Coco Lopez


