Meget bleg ved aftapning, men med tiden denne vin vil afhente grøn-guld nuancer. Aromatisk intensitet ser ud til at være et af kendetegnene ved de 2009 Marlborough Riesling. Denne vin springer fra glasset med masser af citrus, citrus blomstre og krydderi. Medium fyldig og smukt fint med en perfekt balance mellem syre og sukker. Eftersmagen er lang og ren. Trophy & Gold Medal Marlborough Vin Awards 2012 Gold Medal Royal Easter Vis Wine Awards 2012 Gold Medal Spiegelau International Wine Competition 2011
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Coopers Creek – Marlborough Riesling 2010 er en Hvidvin der bl.a. sælges hos TheDrinkShop
Producentens noter (på engelsk)
Very pale at bottling but with time this wine will pick up green-gold tints. Aromatic intensity looks set to be one of the hallmarks of the 2009 Marlborough Rieslings. This wine leaps from the glass with masses of citrus, citrus blossom and spice. Medium bodied and beautifully fine with a perfect balance between acid and sugar. The finish is long and pure. Trophy & Gold Medal Marlborough Wine Awards 2012 Gold Medal Royal Easter Show Wine Awards 2012 Gold Medal Spiegelau International Wine Competition 2011